28:19 Episode 67-Hominids, Quantum Mechanics, and Gen Z
Reaching Gen Z. Why Would God Create Hominids? What Is the Image of God? Does Quantum Mechanics Support Eastern Religions?
Culture Talk: Reaching Gen Z 1:37
with Ratio Christi’s Jane Pantig
Dig Deeper: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LWY2QH2/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_I2k1CbPE2SQ5X
Nexus: Why Would God Create Hominids? 7:10
with biochemist Fazale Rana
To watch the full video, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrIb7auFDdI
RTB 101: What Is the Image of God? 10:36
with philosopher and theologian Ken Samples
Dig Deeper: https://www.reasons.org/reflections/read/reflections/2019/02/12/scientific-discovery-god-human-exceptionalism-part-4
Give and Take: Does Quantum Mechanics Support Eastern Religions? 16:33
with physicist Erica Carlson
Dig Deeper: https://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/understanding-the-quantum-world.html
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